8 Basic Steps to Create a Program in Visual Basic

Thursday, August 27, 2009 ·

8 Basic Steps to create a program in Visual Basic

Visual Basic is one of even-driven programming. Creating an even-driven programs like Visual Basic requires different approach from that used in procedural languages. The approach may seem unusual, if you are experienced with procedural programming.

Here are 8 basic steps in creating an application with Visual Basic:

1. Create a Design Plan

2. Create the user interface

3. Set the properties of interface objects

4. Write code for events

5. Save the project

6. Test and debug the application

7. Make an executable file (by compiling it)

8. Create a setup application


You Know Who said...
August 27, 2009 at 4:32 PM  

A very helpful article for beginners of VB6. I like it.
Speed Limit
"The empty half of the glass is often at the top."

Clip of Tips said...
August 27, 2009 at 4:37 PM  

Thanks for your visit.

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